Benjamin Read

Ongoing Mentoring Diary: Jack

Since the summer I have been voluntarily mentoring Jack, a 16-year old who lives near Tenby in South Wales. We met whilst my family was on holiday. He was endeavouring to build a website for his fathers' business and expressed an interest in taking up web design / web development as a career.

We exchanged details and I gave him some tips that I believe would help him get started on a career in the industry.

Recently, he contacted me to ask a question about CSS backgrounds, and I was pleased that my assistance helped him. I didn't just give him the code, I explained what we were achieving using it:

It’s not a problem, just need to change some CSS in the theme.

So open the stylesheet (you can use “styles.css” in your main theme folder) and type this at the bottom of the file (eg. after everything else):
div.wrap.contentclass {
Basically, we’re telling the CSS to look for the div with a class ( the “.” denotes a class) of `wrap` and content class, and telling it to repeat the background on the y axis, or vertically.

Save the stylesheet and see if it worked — let me know how you get on!

The mentoring is ongoing. I really hope Jack does decide to pursue a career in web development.

Published: 2nd Aug 2016